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How can Blatchford Solutions help me with my relationship with
Absolutely, transitioning from a PPO-driven practice to a fee-for-service model is something we have carefully refined over the years. Many doctors and prospects approach us with this question, and we…
Does Blatchford Solutions only work with Fee-For-Service practices?
We work with both fee-for-service and PPO practices. We’re here to support your specific needs, regardless of your practice model.
How much time does the typical Blatchford office take off
It’s an interesting subject that we’ve studied extensively over the years. Our research shows that doctors benefit from taking time off. We discovered that the number of days worked per…
How will Blatchford Solutions help me with my leadership skills?
We love this question because, as dentists, we don’t receive training in leadership during our dental education. There simply isn’t enough time for it. When we transition into private practice,…
My team doesn’t like selling dentistry. What does Blatchford Solutions
No one likes selling dentistry and in fact we don’t like selling dentistry traditionally because what that implies is that we are pushing dentistry onto patients and so what we…
Explain left brain/right brain thinking as it applies to case
We’ve extensively studied how people make decisions, a process that heavily relies on emotions and the right brain. Every decision, whether it’s about breakfast choices or more significant matters, starts…