Dr. Roy Thompson

Dentist Coach

Dr. Roy Thompson practiced general dentistry from 1978 to 2023 in Murfreesboro, Tennessee. His practice focused on providing comprehensive care to all age patients.

During his career, he was active in all levels of organized dentistry, serving as President of the TN Academy of General Dentistry and the Tennessee Dental Association. From 2016 to 2020, he served as a Trustee to the American Dental Association, representing the states of TN, KY, WV, and MO.

Dr. Thompson was coached by Blatchford Solutions since 2008. In retirement, Dr. Thompson remains active in his community and church.

He and his wife, Margrey, who have adopted three special needs, children, authored the book “Progress not Perfection – Building a Powerful Marriage While Raising Challenging Children.”

Roy enjoys reading, traveling, and running in his vast amount of spare time.

Proven & Trusted Partnerships

Blatchford Solutions works with several leading Dental Companies around North America. These are some of the Partners our clients have enjoyed working together with and have beneficial relationships.