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dental consulting
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Keep On Keeping On with a Dental Coach

Dental Coach

America's Leading Dental Coaching Team

As a dental coach, I have learned that life is filled with lessons. Some lessons are learned from parents while some are learned the hard way. Today’s lesson is,  “Keep on, keeping on.” Don’t let age, gender or well-meaning friends keep you from doing what you are able to do. Winston Churchill said “Never give up.” You’re not a failure until you quit trying.

Skiing at 73 isn’t a problem if you have been doing it all your life. If you still want to conquer the hills do it. Most of our contemporaries think it’s foolish to be continuing a, “Dangerous,” sport. When we ask our same age friends to go with us on hikes or adventures, their response is usually, “Have a good time.”

Keep On Keeping On

Keep on Keeping On is clear in our bike trips where we have biked across America one week at a time. Right now we are biking the East coast from Bar Harbor, Maine to Key West, FL, one week at a time. Most people are amazed and curious. Others react with, “Who talked you into that one?” or, “I would never do that.” The bikers who allow us to accompany them are in their early 40’s. As a dental coach I like to tell others, “Don’t be discouraged when those around you can’t see your vision, dreams or goals.” Remember, it is your vision, not theirs.

Come with Us

We invite you to join us for hiking 8 days in Patagonia with Backroads in February of 2017. Hike England Coast to Coast for 14 days starting August 24, or, bike with us March 30-April 7 from Wilmington, NC to Savannah, GA.

Keep moving forward with your own vision. In the book, “Younger Next Year,” Steven Kotler emphasizes the importance of keeping on doing what you are doing.  The whole point is to keep the, “Decay,” at bay and avoid the rest.

All this can give you a more fulfilling life in retirement. In other words, keep on keeping on. Life is a garden—dig it and make it work for you. Here’s to keeping on.

Blatchford Solutions is one of the top dental coach companies on the planet and could make all the difference. Whether you’re just starting out or are trying to reach the next level, our team is here to help you realize your dreams. Remember: our goal is for you to realize your dreams, both professionally and personally.

Contact Blatchford Solutions and start working with America’s Leading Dental Coaching team today.

888-977-4600 |

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